Mason v. Schaefer et al.

The MacArthur Justice Center represents Delarren Mason in a lawsuit seeking compensation for solitary confinement he experienced as a 17-year-old pre-trial detainee at the St. Clair County Juvenile Detention Center in St. Clair County, Illinois. Mr. Mason was detained for eight months for a crime he did not commit. Mr. Mason alleges that during this time the juvenile detention center routinely placed him in solitary confinement as punishment for minor rules violations such as profanity, writing on the walls of his cell, banging his cell door, disrespecting staff and horseplay. Mr. Mason was not allowed to attend school while locked in his cell on punishment status, nor could he keep reading and writing materials inside his cell. The detention center also failed to address Mr. Mason’s pre-existing mental health conditions, which worsened substantially as a result of the Defendants’ mistreatment. The case is currently set for trial in February 2019.


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