

MacArthur Justice Center Statements on Recent SCOTUS Decisions

WASHINGTON – This afternoon, Devi Rao, Director, DC Office, Director, Supreme Court and Appellate Program for the MacArthur Justice Center released the following statement on today’s United States Supreme Court decision regarding Trump v. U.S.: “One of the central founding principles of our Nation is that the President is not a King. Our Framers believed that no...

Justice Jackson Takes Unexpected Positions in Criminal Cases

Devi Rao, of the MacArthur Justice Center, said criticism of Jackson shows how the legal world unfairly considers prosecutors as “neutral straight shooters” and public defenders as “liberal ideologues.”

Bloomberg Law

Schools still rely on cops to ticket kids for minor violations. It’s a practice that should stop.

The ticketing practice is a debilitating symptom of a larger problem: the transformation of our classrooms into carceral spaces. Over the past decades, schools and prisons have become more alike in law, policy, and staffing. Courts have granted prisons tremendous control over prisoners purportedly in the name of rehabilitation and safety — and they’ve extended that same power to schools.

Chicago Sun Times

Chicago City Council OKs $50 million settlement with 4 men wrongfully convicted of 1995 murders

"Charles, Larod, Lashawn, and Troshawn are among the scores of kids who the Chicago Police Department has targeted for false arrest and coercive interrogations over the years, leading to Chicago's reputation as the False Confession Capital of the country," said Alex Van Brunt, Johnson's attorney and the director of the Illinois office of the MacArthur Justice Center, in a statement after the approval of the settlement.

CBS News

City Council approves $50 million settlement to four Chicago men wrongfully imprisoned for total of 73 years

“Charles, Larod, Lashawn, and Troshawn are among the scores of kids who the Chicago Police Department has targeted for false arrest and coercive interrogations over the years, leading to Chicago’s reputation as the False Confession Capital of the country,” says Alexa Van Brunt, Director of the Illinois office of the MacArthur Justice Center and counsel for Charles Johnson.

Created Equal: Are the correct people held accountable under America’s felony murder statute?

Detroit Public Radio

An Illinois School District’s Reliance on Police to Ticket Students Is Discriminatory, Civil Rights Complaint Says

Two civil rights groups are asking the U.S. Department of Education to force Rockford Public Schools, the third-largest district in Illinois, to stop discriminatory discipline involving police.


Appeals court: Mentally ill prisoner held in solitary confinement for months can sue MDOC

"Rather than treat Mr. Finley’s serious mental health needs, these officials imposed on him a condition they knew would make it drastically worse: months of near-total isolation in a windowless cell the size of a compact parking space," Monta said in an email. "We are gratified that the Sixth Circuit has recognized Mr. Finley’s humanity and allowed his case to proceed.”

Detroit Free Press

DOJ Asst. AG Named MacArthur Center’s VP, Legal Director

A deputy assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division has been named the first vice president and legal director of the Roderick & Solange MacArthur Justice Center.


MacArthur Justice Center Announces New Vice President and Legal Director

Former DOJ Official, Jonathan Smith, Joins the Team as the Organization's First Vice President and Legal Director.