Gasca v. Precythe


In Missouri, the Parole Board is running an assembly-line parole process that pushes people back into our prisons without any real legal protections. In many instances, alleged parole violators are tricked or pressured into waiving their right to a hearing and being returned to prison without any process at all.

Every year, the Board revokes parole for

3,000-7,000 individuals without offering anyone an attorney,

and apparently without even informing parolees of their right to counsel.

When hearings are held, the Parole Board relies on inadequate evidence of alleged parole violations in reaching its decisions. Some parolees may sit in prison a year or more awaiting a revocation hearing. As a result of this unfair process, Missouri is one of the few states in which the prison population is actually increasing. We are pursuing a state-wide class action against the Missouri Department of Corrections and the Parole Board.

Case Developments

  • Suggestions in Opposition to MDOC's Motion for Stay Pending Appeal Filed — 

    We filed our opposition to MDOC’s last-minute motion asking to be excused from complying with a federal court order to overhaul the state’s broken parole revocation process—compromising the health of those in their custody as Missourians behind bars face a massive COVID-19 threat.

    December 21, 2020
  • Court Orders MDOC to Reform Its Broken Parole Revocation Process — 

    A federal court orders the Missouri Department of Corrections to overhaul the state’s broken parole revocation process—ensuring counsel is appointed, parolees are informed and empowered, and hearings are prompt.

    November 12, 2020
  • MJC Asks Court to Halt Parole Revocations, Release Parolees Due to COVID-19 — 

    In light of the spread of COVID-19, the MacArthur Justice Center is asking a federal court to curtail statewide parole revocation proceedings and release certain categories of people incarcerated solely for parole violations given the well-documented, increased threat of the virus for detained populations.

    March 25, 2020
  • Judge Certifies Class Action Lawsuit Against Parole System for Unconstitutionally Re-incarcerating Thousands Annually — 

    A federal court has certified a class-action lawsuit alleging the State of Missouri re-incarcerates thousands of people in defiance of U.S. Supreme Court rulings guaranteeing that parolees receive certain due process protections when states consider depriving them of their liberty due to alleged parole violations.

    January 4, 2019
  • Amended Class Action Complaint Filed — 
    We are pursuing a state-wide lawsuit against the Missouri Department of Corrections and the Parole Board, and we filed an amended class action complaint.
    October 12, 2017

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